Playing Cards : Ask and Answer for Personal Information

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Permainan Kartu : Tanya Jawab Bahasa Inggris
(bertanya mengenai informasi pribadi : pekerjaan, alamat dll)

Download Lembar soal disini | download the Playing Cards here

Expression :
- What do you do?
- Where do you live?
- How do you spell your name?
- When is your birthday?
- What is your favorite color?
Teachers Guide
Type : in group of four
Duration : 10-15 minutes
Follow Up Activity : Going around school then write down people's physical appearances whoever they encounter.

How To Play : 
Target : Collects same type cards. There are 4 cards for each type.
  • Share 4 cards for each student. Put the rest on the table 
  • Student 1 asks based on the card to whoever he/she wants 
  • If the asked student has the same type question card, he/she will answer based on it. Consequently student 1 takes his/her card. Otherwise, he/she say "I don't know" then student 1 take one card from the pile
  • Student who gets the most cards is the winner
